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forecast image moon image 10:55 am => 11:00 am Dec 30 2024 WIND
0.9 mph
TEMP OUT 55.2 °F HUM OUT 74 % BAROMETER 29.80 inHg
TEMP IN 64.4 °F HUM IN 51.0 % FEELS 55 °F
DAILY RAIN 0.00 in RAIN RATE 0.00 in/h
Partly cloudy and cooler         
Partly cloudy and cooler     
24 x 1hr TEMP Hi 20.0 Lo 8.8

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Equipment we use:

Davis VP2+ with 24-Hour Fan Aspirated Radiation Shield


Raspberry Pi 2 Model B

Davis VP2+ with 24-Hour Fan Aspirated Radiation Shield


Raspberry Pi 2 Model B